
Mercosur​ residence and Associated Countries

for nationals of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.

The temporary residence visa also “Visa Mercosur and Associated countries” – are applicable to nationals of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Guyana, and Suriname.

It grants the right to work and study in Brazil for two (2) years, after which the Federal Police in Brazil, a Brazilian immigration authority, can be applied for permanent residence within ninety (90) days before the expiration of the visa Temporary residence.

 The right to work does not exempt foreigners from complying with Brazilian regulations specific to their profession.

Importante notes:

⦁ The MERCOSUR visa is not renewed.
⦁ The MERCOSUR 2-year visa must be TRANSFORMED on a permanent visa.
⦁ The transformation of the visa of 2 years in permanent visa will only be done in Brazil, by the Federal Police.
⦁ The holder must present himself at the Federal Police with a minimum of 90 (ninety) days before the expiration date of the corresponding Brazilian identity card.
⦁ The Consulate General does not renew or extend visas.
⦁ Upon losing the renewal date, the residence visa is canceled, as well as the alien’s identity card (CRNM) of the holder.
⦁ The application can be made at Brazilian Consulate (VIRET) abroad or at Federal Police in Brazil.
⦁ According to Article 16 of Decree No. 9.199 / 2017: “Art. 16. The temporary visa may be granted with a validity period of up to one year […] Sole paragraph. The period of validity of the temporary visa is not confused with the period of the residence authorization.”


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