
Family reunion residence

A foreigner with a Brazilian spouse (or partner) or Brazilian child does not automatically gain citizenship. Following the born or marriage or union stable (common law), the foreigner is entitled to start the process that will lead to the issue of a previous Residence authorization. In some cases, the federal police will give a permanent residence, just need to renew your card after 9 years.

The residence authorization may be granted to foreign dependent Brazilian citizen or dependent of foreign holder with permanent/temporary visa in Brazil, over 18 years.

To apply for a visa as a family unit, the foreigner must show meet the following conditions:

⦁ be a legal dependent of Brazilian citizen or
⦁ be a dependent on foreign registered in this country, and

Are considered dependents:
⦁ – Brazilian child.
⦁ – Spouse or partner or companion, in a stable relationship, regardless of sex, Brazilian citizen or a temporary or permanent foreigner in Brazil.
⦁ – ascendant up to the second degree of Brazilian or beneficiary immigrant residence permit.
⦁ – descendant up to the second degree of Brazilian or immigrant beneficiary of residence permit.

So, who can apply?

⦁ Spouse or partner of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
⦁ Children or grandchildren of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
⦁ Foreign citizen who has a Brazilian child or grandchild.
⦁ Foreign citizen whose child or grandchild is a legal resident in Brazil.
⦁ The minor sibling of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
⦁ The adult sibling who is financially dependent of a Brazilian citizen or legal resident in Brazil.
⦁ Foreign citizen who is the legal guardian of a Brazilian.


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